Yoga Asanas Today

 Yoga has gained in popularity - to the point where asanas have become recognizable even to non-practitioners of Yoga. The following five most popular, or at least familiar, Yoga asanas, according to an unscientific poll, could be considered as high ranking candidates for the list.

1) Adho Mukha Svanasana, or Downward Facing Dog

The name of this asana finds its way into blogs, books, and other popular media, as synonymous with Yoga itself. Practiced at least once in nearly every Hatha class, bringing the heels to the floor is a goal for everyone new to Yoga. Yet, skeletal compression may prevent the heels from coming down to the floor.

2) Balasana, or Child's pose

Child's pose has been adopted by other forms of exercise, and even dance, as a gentle stretch and resting pose between muscle movements. It has become so common that even Zumba instructors rarely need to explain when saying, "Now push back into Child's pose."

3) Savasana, or Corpse pose

Much like Downward Facing Dog, Savasana is part of nearly every practice. The quiet, relaxing, resting pose is the high point of class for many practitioners of all levels. People, who are unfamiliar with Yoga, sometimes refer to this pose as "when you just lie there." 

4) Virabhadrasana I, or Warrior I

This pose, preferably done on a beach, or in a tropical setting, is the archetype asana for promoting Yoga. The long lines created, photograph very well, which perhaps, explains why all class brochures seem to feature it.

5) Sirsasana, or Headstand

This pose finds its way into the plotlines of movies for character development, when someone needs to be shown doing something difficult. It can also be seen during chase sequences, when a bad guy must be pursued through a Yoga studio full of students in headstand. 

All joking aside, the recognition of Yoga poses, in general society, is a positive development. Encouraging everyone to think of their "five favorite asanas" could be a great conversation starter at your next social event.


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